Last subject passed
I passed the last subject in my university! I’m only due my diploma thesis (which should be a lot easier than failing the damned exams every three months).
I passed the last subject in my university! I’m only due my diploma thesis (which should be a lot easier than failing the damned exams every three months).
It seems I’ve lost my IRC nick… again. Noone has taken it (thank god), but as usual, I lost access lists and whatnot.
I think I’m going to recreate the “scheduled mIRC” thing…
On other news, I now have TWO pc’s to fix, both belonging to the same person. Luckily the first one just needs to have an active partition.
I am also the (proud?) owner of a new DVD (no slot-in this time. I think I’ve learned my lesson 🙁 ) and a new tv/radio card. The TV/FM is rather useless, because my *real* problem is that the video in/out plug on my video card does not work. Oh well, maybe I’m going to buy a new video card 🙂 (there goes my tax return money!)
I finally got my car to the service. It seems that the engine fuse box was defective. It runs perfectly smooth now!
I went to the University to check on my grades. As expected, I didn’t pass the one remaining course, and I’m going to give (yet another) exam for it on July.
I tried to take my Ibiza to the service, but unfortunately it’s not open on Saturdays. Back to the drawing board.
On other news, my neighbors PC seems to have a bad karma! It crashes randomly on installation. Seems to be the motherboard (it’s *that* random), but I don’t really know.
Ok, first of all, yesterday we were not pouring water into the radiator but in the windshield wipers (duh!). Second of all, the radiator fluid was below the minimum. Third of all, the radiator ventilator fans were not working, except when turning on the air condition. It’s a good thing I was going to take it to service anyway (7500 km).
My Ibiza caught fire! Well, almost, it just got really really hot and a red warning light came on! I had to pull over, but where I was there was no room to pull over. So I stopped in the middle of the (not very large, of course) street, and I blocked several cars behind me. Thankfully there was a foine lad behind me who had water to put in the car radiator, so it cooled down enough to get home, although we poured some 3 bottles of mineral water (only one we could find, from a kiosk!:)) in the radiator. I was just trying to get a neighbour to Piraeus to buy a keyboard and floppy for the new PC she bought. We didn’t get to complete the installation, because there was not time. I just got the HD to make a backup of important stuff…
My nameday today. Still stuffed up from yesterday’s food.
Quite a while has passed since I updated this…
IT Work is kinda dull. I actually don’t do anything. At least I have access to my original PC, so when I’m not working for IT, I’m working for my “home” company 🙂 Of course I’m billing both 🙂 Thank god for Windows XP Remote Desktop (aka Terminal Services).
I should have received an afternoon coffee invitation this week, but it never came… And the person I was expecting it from has left again…
Tomorrow (today actually!) I’m probably going out with some friends and Monday I’m going to the movies. The best part of being down at IT is that I get to leave at 17:00 or so… but I don’t think I can stand this for long 🙂 Weird creatures, men. Always craving for what they don’t have!
Oh. Another Amazon order is on its way. The only thing is I’m not going to be there to receive it! I just hope it comes on an odd (15/4, 17/4 etc) day (because I can go to work faster then)
I’m once again organizing CDs/burning CDs/Installing CDs. I really should try and install some of the games I got yesterday…
I wonder when will there be a program for organizing applications, games and general internet downloads…
I was really sick yesterday, but I feel better now… The good thing was that the fever gave me an insight on a work problem, so I solved it in under five minutes when I got there 🙂