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George Schizas Blog

Days in the life of a clone

Car broke down #1

My Ibiza caught fire! Well, almost, it just got really really hot and a red warning light came on! I had to pull over, but where I was there was no room to pull over. So I stopped in the middle of the (not very large, of course) street, and I blocked several cars behind me. Thankfully there was a foine lad behind me who had water to put in the car radiator, so it cooled down enough to get home, although we poured some 3 bottles of mineral water (only one we could find, from a kiosk!:)) in the radiator. I was just trying to get a neighbour to Piraeus to buy a keyboard and floppy for the new PC she bought. We didn’t get to complete the installation, because there was not time. I just got the HD to make a backup of important stuff…

Back to company

Went back to my main place of work today. I almost felt relieved to be working. Life down-under has done me no good. I mean I like what I do. I like programming. I don’t like debugging other people’s code, made to be so generic as not to work at all. I’m going on Monday as well. Its a lot more rewarding. I’d really like to return, but it seems there is no-one else to go down there. And I hate doing slavework for a platform I do not agree with and is much too complicated to begin with. Not to mention competitive to what we do.


My nameday today. Still stuffed up from yesterday’s food.

Star Trek Nemesis

Star Trek: Nemesis (which I saw yesterday) was not half bad. So, it’s not the masterpiece of the seventh (eighth? I dunno) art, but it was enjoyable. It could be a lot worse. Granted, it could be better, but one shouldn’t expect too much of Star Trek.

In other news I won a contest that was going on just outside the entrance to the cinema rooms! A movie contest so to speak, you had to guess how the scene would go on, and I got scary movie and even more the Matrix parody scene (my favorite), which no one else guessed, but even then I was (as expected) too quick. The CD I won seems a little offish, maybe like it is not the original performers (which should be a bit weird). Maybe it’s just too early in the morning…

Matrix Reloaded trailer

I just saw the (final?) trailer for Matrix: Reloaded. How can I wait another 31 days? (15/5)

I’m off to the movies (in a bit)

Dull Work

Quite a while has passed since I updated this…

IT Work is kinda dull. I actually don’t do anything. At least I have access to my original PC, so when I’m not working for IT, I’m working for my “home” company 🙂 Of course I’m billing both 🙂 Thank god for Windows XP Remote Desktop (aka Terminal Services).

I should have received an afternoon coffee invitation this week, but it never came… And the person I was expecting it from has left again…

Tomorrow (today actually!) I’m probably going out with some friends and Monday I’m going to the movies. The best part of being down at IT is that I get to leave at 17:00 or so… but I don’t think I can stand this for long 🙂 Weird creatures, men. Always craving for what they don’t have!

Oh. Another Amazon order is on its way. The only thing is I’m not going to be there to receive it! I just hope it comes on an odd (15/4, 17/4 etc) day (because I can go to work faster then)

Working in IT

Started work on the IT today. Good things: It seems an easy task, it very-very close to home. Bad things: It seems a little slow and bureaucratic…

I’m now writing a CD with useful (and not) things to take with me.

Another Meeting

I’m beat (again). I went to a hi-class meeting with more bank representatives I should care to mention, but at least it ended quickly. I should look forward to the weekend, but it seems it may be lost as well… 🙁


I went to Marousi again yesterday. I returned home so tired, I went almost straight to bed. I have to go to some high class meeting today. I’m feeling everything has to go through me.

CD Burning

I’m once again organizing CDs/burning CDs/Installing CDs. I really should try and install some of the games I got yesterday…

I wonder when will there be a program for organizing applications, games and general internet downloads…

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